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LIFE MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit现货

  • 更新时间:  2023-07-26
  • 产品型号:  A29319
  • 简单描述
  • LIFE MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit现货

LIFE MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit现货

MagMAX™ 磁珠净化技术的优点:
在从细胞中分离RNA和从无细胞样本中分离RNA方面,磁珠具有很多优点。Ambion的 MagMAX技术比玻璃纤维滤膜法的RNA结合效率更高,所以提高了RNA产量。不论是实验与实验之间,还是多种长度不同的样本之间,RNA产量的稳定性都更高。MagMAX磁珠分离技术避免了样本中细胞微粒引起的滤膜堵塞问题。因为进行高效的连接反应只需使用少量的磁珠,所以仅用 20–50 μL 去核酸酶水就可洗脱连接的RNA,大量稀释样本中浓缩RNA。
Ambion® MagMAX™ 病毒DNA分离试剂盒已经过优化,与生物体液以及血清、血浆、拭子和细胞培养基等无细胞样本配套使用。相对于从组织或培养细胞中分离RNA而言,从无细胞样本中分离RNA有其*的困难。这些困难包括病毒滴度低、待处理样本量大和样本复杂性。另外,操作程序必须与实时荧光定量逆转录PCR相兼容。 MagMAX™ 病毒DNA分离试剂盒可以解决所有这些困难,无需使用有机溶剂和进行RNA沉淀,可避免堵塞、洗脱量大和产量不稳定等基于滤膜的RNA分离方法中经常遇到的问题。从1/10的少量样品中获得等量的RNA病毒检测灵敏度已经过 Ambion's MagMAX™ 实验方案和现行国家兽医服务实验室(NVSL)验证的病毒检测实验方案分离出来的RNA进行了比较。即使在样品投入量为1/10时,用 MagMAX™ 试剂盒分离的病毒RNA水平还是等于或高于NVSL实验方案以及推荐的同行试剂盒所分离出来的RNA(见数据)。在我们的自动化资源中可获取可下载的实验方案,用于利用特殊的液体处理系统使用该试剂盒。

LIFE MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit现货


The MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit is designed for enrichment of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and optimized for use with biological samples such as serum and plasma. The kit is based on MagMAX™ magnetic-bead technology, enabling reproducible recovery of high-quality DNA that is suitable for a broad range of applications, including real-time PCR, digital PCR, and next-generation sequencing.

Scalable isolation of circulating nucleic acid from plasma, serum, and urine
cfDNA recovery is challenging due to the limited amount present in cell-free samples. The MagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit addresses this with its magnetic bead-based purification format which allows you to easily process a wide range of sample input volumes, from 500 µL to 10 mL. When used with either a KingFisher™ Duo Prime or KingFisher™ Flex magnetic particle processor, 6 to 24 plasma/serum samples of 2 mL input volume can be isolated at once. Alternatively, samples can be processed manually with the use of a magnetic stand.

Features of the MagMAX Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit include:

• Flexible design that permits both manual and automated isolation of cfDNA
• Scalable format that allows for higher and lower input volumes
• Automation-ready, phenol-free extraction
• Fast procedure, which allows 6 to 24 samples to be processed typically in 40 minutes or less when used with the KingFisher Duo Prime Magnetic Particle Processor or the KingFisher Flex Magnetic Particle Processor with a 24 Deep-Well Head
• Wide sample volume inputs range from 500 µL to 10 mL of plasma/serum or urine
• Contains Dynabeads™ MyOne™ Silane for consistent isolation of cfDNA
• Elution volumes range from 15 µL to 50 µL


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